Monday, October 15, 2018

Enlarge Your Heart

Our God is a God of Increase. When God is in it, there will be increase. Enlarge begins in our heart first, manifestation will come later. God has great vision for each one of us, but we have to enlarge your heart to receive that vision. He won't be able to put that vision in narrowed heart.

How do we enlarge our heart?
* Through our new birth
* Meditating on his word regularly
* Seeking Holy Spirit guidance in our decisions
* Bringing up every matter to him (not hiding any secrets)

Father, help me to overcome this area - enlarge my heart to see things clearly.

Why we have to enlarge?
* Clear understanding of problems
* Trap of the enemy
* Bring compassion in our hearts towards other people
* Fulfill his plan and will in our life

What's our Father heart like? He gives food and send rain to the good and evil.
We know this enlarging heart is a process, he will lead us step by step. This is not going to happen overnight.

Psalms 119:32 I shall run the way of your commandments, For you have enlarged my heart.

We are going to see how David has enlarged his heart.

I Samuel 24:16-21 When Saul came to the cave where David was hiding, all people around him said that Lord has delivered your enemy in your hand. But David said ' I will not touch him since he is anointed of the Lord.' He said to Saul 'May the Lord judge between you and me'.

When our hearts get enlarged, people around us will be forced to change.

Saul indeed blessed David at the end of that passage. 'You are more righteous than I, Lord will reward thee. Surely you will be the king.'

Lord made his enemy to be at peace with him since David's ways pleased the Lord.
Acts 13:22 David is called "Man after God's own heart' . Let's our heart be enlarged everyday as we are getting transformed from glory to glory to represent Jesus Christ in this world.

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